There are so many ways to get involved – whether it’s helping out at a street stall, leafleting your local area or simply attending one of our many supporters events.
Join other grassroots donors and fundraisers in raising money for our active campaigns. You can fundraise on your own or host an event and coordinate with friends.
There are lots of ways to get involved in the fight to stop indyref2, but the best way to take your activism to the next level is by hosting your own grassroots event.
Being part of our online community is one of the best ways to stay in the loop with the latest campaign updates, as well as to share your story.
Join SIU
Join SIU
Join SIU
Join SIU
things you can do

Got more than a few hours?
Got a few hours?
There's a lot you can do in just a few hours and being part of our grassroots fundraising team is one of the most important contributions
You're the boss and know how best to use those all-important fundraising minutes
You decide where to host and where to recruit
You can help by hosting local fundraising events
You can help recruiting new grassroots donors
You can help by encouraging people to donate online
You can help by making a small contribution monthly which starts from just £3 a month
Sign up and join other fundraisers
Learn and plan ahead with our training pack
Connect with our team and take your first action
Got an hour?
There's a lot you can do in just an hour, like leaflet your neighbourhood, help-out at a street stall, attend an event or meet your local organiser
They'll be regular updates on our events page and you can choose the best time to suit you. We also send out regular emails to keep you in the loop
There are events being organised across Scotland but if you can't find one near you, why not host your own?
You can distribute campaign literature
You can recruit new supporters at events
You can support the local organiser
You can help by having crucial one to one conversations with potential new supporters
Sign up and join other supporters like you
Make a plan on how best you can help
Join a local event or organise your own action
There's a lot you can do if you have more time to give to our campaign. Organising is the heart of our campaign and it's the winning factor for any successful movement
You're the boss, it’s your free time after all
You decide where to host and where to recruit
You can help by campaigning in your community
You can build relationships with local decision makers
You can help recruit new supporters
You can host local campaign events
Sign up and join other organisers
Make a plan on how far you want to get involved
Chat with our campaigns manager to progress
Got a few minutes?

There's a lot you can do in just a few minutes, like sign a petition, share related articles, register for an event, or simply start an online conversation
Whenever you have free time. It only takes a few seconds to go online and share, comment or like our content
It's all about online for these first few steps
You can share our graphics, articles and news posts
You can help us sign up new supporters online
You can ask existing supporters to take action
You can help counter nationalist misinformation
on social media
Like and follow our progress on social media
Start sharing, liking, tweeting and commenting on our posts
Check out our live feeds for more details on what you can connect with next

Take the first step and let us know how you would like to get involved.
If you haven't already signed up, sign up today to register your support and receive updates on events and other campaign news.
Thank you for your support keeping Scotland stronger in the UK!
Check out our volunteer handbook for extra tips, insights and guidelines