“O let us not, like snarling curs, In wrangling be divided”
Wise words from The Bard but sadly not everyone got the memo ahead of Scotland in Union’s inaugural Burns Supper.
A welcoming committee from the Scottish Resistance – at one point it was 10-strong- was there to greet our guests on Friday night. The irony of a group which purports to protect all things Scottish picketing a celebration of our nation’s greatest poet was obviously lost on them.

Of course, it didn’t put us off and a great night was had by all. Around 80 guests were piped in by Alan Jamieson before a delicious meal was served up by our hosts at the 29 Club.

We then had a rousing immortal memory from former Scottish Secretary and Liberal Democrat MP Alastair Carmichael and a passionate performance of A Man’s a Man by supporter Alan Marshall.
The main event was an entertaining ding-dong between MSPs Murdo Fraser and MSP Johann Lamont, who did the Toast and the Reply from the Lassies. It was as cutting and acerbic as you would expect from these Twitter stars!

A fun raffle and joyful Auld Lang Syne rounded off a great evening.
It was a welcome reminder Scottish culture is for all proud Scots and we should not allow it to be hijacked by those who use a Saltire to blind themselves to the reality of the UK.
We certainly had a better night than those ‘resisting’ outside in the rain and are already looking forward to next year.