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Organising with Scotland in Union is easy.

This summer we are looking to hold more campaign events than we have ever held before.

Door to door leafleting sessions and town centre street stalls will form a large part of this activity, as well as local public meetings too.

During the months of June, July and August we are hoping as many of our volunteers as possible will be out spreading the message that Scotland wants to stay in the UK and keep the pound in our pockets.

Door to door leafleting in Gallowgate, in Glasgow's east end.

We want to build on our current level of activity, and to do this we need more local organisers.

This is where you can help!

There are many cities, towns and villages in Scotland, and we would love a person-of-contact in every single one of them. If it’s a pairing or group coming together to organise locally, then even better.

What we are looking for from local organisers? At the very least one door to door leafleting event a month (coordinated with us in order to let all our local volunteers know about the time and location). Eventually doing street stalls too - signing up new supporters and potential volunteers.

If you feel that you could help us organise in your local area, then please get in contact as soon as possible.

Our campaigns manager Andrew Skinner can be contacted on


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