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Pamela Nash CEO: May Update

After two years of waiting, the SNP finally published the report from its Growth Commission, the Andrew Wilson-penned document which they were pinning their hopes of indyref2 on.

It runs to over 350 pages and has plenty of good ideas - many of which are deliverable under the current devolution arrangements. Yet most people’s reaction was ‘is that it?’. It seems unlikely it will move the dial of public opinion on the constitution from 2014 levels and,  if anything has opened up a division among the pro- independence movement.

Is that it then? Has the indyref2 juggernaut officially hit the buffers?

Can we officially move on?

Well, people have heard my warnings of complacency, and it’s now more true than ever. Its the nationalists biggest weapon and we can’t afford to take our eye off the ball, no matter how tempting it is.  But I also see a big opportunity for those of us who long for a post-nationalist Scotland. 

The SNP leadership has enjoyed a Teflon-like spell for nearly a decade but their poor record of delivery and constitutional obsession is starting to catch up with them.

Last year, Nicola Sturgeon gambled on calling a referendum and was punished badly at the polls, losing more than 20 seats. Now that she has forced independence back onto the table, and continues to threaten calling another referendum later this year, we must keep the pressure on.

If we can keep support for the UK high, and consequently demand for indyref2 down, then the First Minister’s days look numbered. Already there are grumblings internally, and speculation across the political divide, about her future.

So we enter a vital period for the future of the UK. Preventing another divisive referendum is within reach.  Ending the reign of the SNP looks possible. And drawing a line under the ‘neverendum’ which has plagued Scotland for too long would be a happy ending.

It will only happen though if we stay committed and focussed and see this through to when the threat is gone, which is exactly what we at Scotland in Union intend to do. I hope we can count on your support, we can’t do it without you. 


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