The SNP's Constitution Secretary Michael Russell MSP has been challenged to apologise for lying about Scotland’s finances.
Mr Russell claimed on Twitter that ‘Scotland pays out more than it gets back’.
But official Scottish Government figures show that Scotland generates 8 per cent of the UK's taxes, and benefits from 9.3 per cent of the UK's public spending.
Last year, public spending in Scotland was £75.3bn, but tax revenues raised in Scotland were £62.7bn.
The difference between how much Scotland contributes per head in taxes and receives back in public spending is therefore £1,968 per head.
Scotland’s deficit is £12.6bn or 7 per cent of GDP, compared to just 1.1 per cent across the UK.
Pamela Nash, chief executive of Scotland in Union, said:
“This is a blatant attempt to mislead voters and Michael Russell should apologise for lying.
“Official figures produced by his own government detail the accurate position, and show that we benefit from higher spending than we raise in revenues.
“It is beyond any doubt that Scotland is stronger as part of the UK.
“It is for the SNP to explain what it would do differently in a separate Scotland, and whether it would raise taxes or reduce public spending to balance the books.
“But by remaining in the UK we can have a successful economic future based on pooling and sharing resources.”
Should read partition and wonderful, not aware of the E,U allowing 1 million of its citizens to perish as when Ireland was part of U.K,but I am sure you and the Daily Expresss can enlighten me?
Sorry yo are obviously not aware EU history.
Northern Ireland was the favoured and richest part of Ireland when partion took part,a hundred years of London rule G.D.P$28,000,UK.GDP $44,000,and Ireland $84,000 per capita ,Would have wonder Westminster ever allowed that.
Ireland joined the European Comunity on it's own accord,when it was seperate from UK,it was N.Ireland as part of UK that joined then.Irelland today is a net contributor to the E.U,Northern Ireland well that is a different story isn't it.
You forget Ireland was admitted to the common market because of UK, not on its own account. It has done well as a result of EU subsidies, but as election shows many are unhappy with their lot