Earlier this week we were delighted to have a Parliamentary Reception in the House of Commons, kindly hosted by Ian Murray MP. We were joined by politicians from the Conservatives, Labour and the Liberal Democrats, and also by some of our fantastic supporters.

Scotland in Union's Alastair Cameron, Will Ramsay and our Chief Executive Pamela Nash; joined Labour’s Ian Murray MP, Jamie Stone MP from the Liberal Democrats and David Mundell MP from the Conservatives.
The speeches touched on the strengths of Scotland’s future in the UK, how much we have moved on since the referendum in 2014, and what lies ahead for Scottish politics beyond the next General Election.
We also looked at how the media cover the constitutional issue, how Scotland in Union has become a respected voice in the Scottish press and looked at ways in which knowledge and understanding of the issue could be improved in the rest of the UK.
The remarks were very well received and clearly struck a chord with those in attendance.
It was wonderful to celebrate Scotland in Union’s success so far, and look to the future, with supporters from across the three parties in parliament.
Photographs taken by Anthony Kelly
You can read a transcript of our director Alastair Cameron's speech below: