As well as holding our third annual Burns Supper in Glasgow this year (Thursday 23rd January), this week we held our first Burns Supper in London, at Boisdale of Bishopsgate.

We were joined by former Secretary of State for Scotland, David Mundell MP (Conservatives), Baroness Liz Barker (Liberal Democrats) and Lord George Foulkes (Labour), who entertained us all with their funny and thoughtful speeches.
We were also luckily enough to have former MP Nigel Griffiths perform his wonderful rendition of Tam O’Shanter again, after doing our Glasgow Burns Supper this year too.
We are incredibly grateful to everyone who participated in and attended this fantastic event.
Thanks especially to the team at Boisdale of Bishopsgate, who helped ensure everything ran smoothly on the night.
Hope to see you all next year at our Burns Supper 2021.