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SNP put Grievance ahead of Governance

The SNP government has been accused of ‘irresponsible gameplaying’ after the Supreme Court ruled that two parliamentary Bills were not within Holyrood’s competence.

The move by the nationalists to reject minor amendments and trigger a constitutional fight delayed the implementation of the Bill to enshrine the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into Scots law – which had cross-party support.

Pro-UK campaign group Scotland in Union said the people of Scotland deserve better than a government which puts ‘grievance ahead of governance’.

Pamela Nash, chief executive of Scotland in Union, said:

“This was nothing but irresponsible gameplaying by the SNP.

“This Bill had cross-party support and could have been implemented with some minor amendments, but the nationalists saw an opportunity for a constitutional fight instead.

“The people of Scotland deserve better than politicians who put grievance ahead of governance.

“This ruling is a reminder to the SNP Government which wants to waste more taxpayers’ money on a court battle over a second referendum that it should instead focus on using its extensive existing powers and stop trying to undermine devolution.”


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